
Product Center

A professional R&D team, exquisite operational design, support for customization, direct sales from manufacturers, large volume discounts, and savings are also a form of creation.

Product Center

production process

Product demonstration

Folding demo Forklift stacking demonstration Manual stacking demonstration

Building a Brand with Strength Jiang Ze's strong design, research and development, and production team better understand your usage needs!

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National service hotline:0551-67661788
Mobile: 17730220799
Address: No. 77, Huishui Road, Feidong County Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province

  • Follow Jiang Ze’s public account
  • Jiangze Douyin account
?合肥江澤金屬制品有限公司 - 版權(quán)所有 皖I(lǐng)CP備20005706號(hào)-1
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