

Standardized matching based on customer industry attributes/special logistics vehicles,Provide coverage of the entire industry chain/the whole process、Professional one-stop comprehensive solution.

Background introduction

Difficulties in purchasing, storing and using in the medical industry

Program overview

Emergency medical treatment, convenient transportation and other diversified use needs

In response to the emergency, regular, and durable characteristics of the medical industry, grids and layers are designed to separate and store items according to their size and purpose. For example, medical turnover boxes are very light and equipped with corresponding lids, which can reduce cross-infection and bacteria. . For some commonly used medical clothing, bed sheets, quilt covers and other products, the developed cage solution meets the needs very well. The flexibility of the removable and foldable type is widely used in the medical industry. ?

Industry products

Industry cases Widely used in FMCG, automotive supply chain, fresh agricultural products, logistics, medical and other industries

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Contact information

National service hotline:0551-67661788
Mobile: 17730220799
Address: No. 77, Huishui Road, Feidong County Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province

  • Follow Jiang Ze’s public account
  • Jiangze Douyin account
?合肥江澤金屬制品有限公司 - 版權(quán)所有 皖I(lǐng)CP備20005706號(hào)-1
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