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Characteristics of iron boxes


In recent years, the country's strong advocacy of environmental protection concepts has made iron box packaging more and more popular. The raw material of iron box packaging is not "iron". It is actually a packaging box with a frame structure composed of steel components such as steel and galvanized sheets.

Iron box packaging has excellent barrier properties and excellent comprehensive protective properties. Its material has extremely low transmittance to air, water and water vapor, good fragrance retention, and is completely opaque, which can effectively avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Influence. Therefore, iron box packaging can provide excellent protection for the contents and help maintain the quality of the goods for a long time.


Iron box packaging is almost a super strong player in the packaging industry, thanks to its high strength. Iron box packaging has good mechanical properties and ductility, and can be processed by stamping, rolling, stretching, welding, etc., and can be made into thin-walled, high-pressure-resistant packaging containers that are not easily damaged.

Iron box packaging has a special iron box luster and good surface decoration. The special iron box gloss and exquisite decorative printing can make the product look rich and gorgeous, beautiful and marketable, and increase the value of the product.

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