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The turnover iron box is spray-coated to meet the needs of visualization and durability. ?


In order to meet the visualization needs and maintenance requirements during the transportation and turnover of turnover iron boxes, spraying treatment is required after the welding of turnover iron boxes to improve the corrosion and aging resistance of the turnover boxes and ensure their durability and longevity. Next, let’s take a look at what are the requirements for plastic spraying of iron boxes?

1) The turnover iron box must be pre-treated before spraying, and must be shot blasted. Be sure to ensure that the sprayed surface of the metal turnover box is clean;

2) Commonly used spraying processes for turnover iron boxes include baking paint and spraying. The spraying process has strong mechanical adhesion, and the curing time after spraying is short, and the coating is also very corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant; the baking paint is on the box Several layers of paint are sprayed on the surface and baked at high temperature to set the shape. The paint has higher requirements and good color rendering. Currently, these two processes are most used and both have good results. For the production of turnover iron boxes, baking paint and plastic spraying processes are used, which has obvious protective effects and longer protection time.

3) For parts that require a higher degree of cleanliness, it is generally required to spray plastic when spraying the turnover iron box. The plastic-sprayed turnover iron box is resistant to corrosion and rust, and the paint film has strong adhesion. The surface of the turnover iron box after plastic spraying is clean and smooth, making it easier to clean.


4) For the turnover iron boxes in the leasing business, the iron boxes belong to the packaging supplier, so the daily maintenance of the turnover iron boxes is managed by the supplier. Suppliers who are familiar with the standards of the OEM can better meet the requirements of the OEM. Require.

Through spraying treatment, turnover iron boxes have bright colors, making them easier to visually manage in warehousing. The strong paint adhesion ability can better protect the turnover boxes from the influence of the natural environment and have a longer service life.

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